Yeah – lawyers and delays. Kind of like Cowboys and hurting music………hard to separate them. I mean, in 32 years in this litigation trade, if I had a Buck for every time somebody told me about how hard it was to get something done with their lawyer – about how often their case got adjourned or put off – about …
Guitars, Cadillacs, Hillbilly Music………and Spacemen……and other S#%t that you just can’t make up!
Wow – what a week. Between lily-livered lawyers making the ultimate “walk-of-shame” excuse – coming late to the courthouse, whining about not being served two weeks earlier by my runner with a motion to strike their entire case – then recanting when confronted with their own secretary’s signature on the acknowledgement of service (yep, it’s all about the preparation, sportsfans!), …
Yep – you know it – it’s after midnight, the Courvoisier Erte is tickling my nose from the snifter as it gently swirls, and Sinatra is softly singing that great saloon song – “The Gal Who Got Away”. ….. “The night is bitter, the stars have lost their glitter, the wind is colder, suddenly you’re a lot older…… and it’s …
Leaving home but still wanting allowance from Mommy or Daddy
Inspiration is a curious thing. Muses come in all shapes and sizes (….no, this is not a Kardashian jab….not yet, anyway…). Tonight, the topic is “The Parent As Wallet – Child Support for Adult Children”. The inspiration started innocently enough – midnight, cognac older than my wife (…just stop), and Harry Connick Jr. singing a great version of that Wizard …
Time is NOT on My Side.
With apologies to the Glimmer Twins (I mean, seriously, can you believe that Bill Wymnan is 80 years old this year??!! – and Mick, Keith and the boys are still on tour, trying to pay for Mick’s babies…..), I need to rant and rave about how resolutions of matrimonial disputes need to happen sooner than later, and how lawyers (and …
The Devil Is In The Details…
A couple of months ago, Ontario Superior Court Justice Douglas (sitting in Oshawa) released a decision in a case called Dagg v. Cameron Estate that – once again – pointed out a mistake that is made all too often by far too many clients and their lawyers. This case was about a separation where the father was ordered to pay child support …
Hit The Road Jack, And Dontcha Come Back……..
Yep…………..that country song is playin’ in your head over and over…………….. You showed up for work early this morning – just like you have for the last 15 years – ready to work and do your best, just like you always do. Something different this morning. Someone from management and some stranger are waiting – for you and more of your co-workers. …
A Cure For Legal Cancer
Separations or divorces regularly involve financial issues. Whether it is about determining amount and duration of child or spousal support, or whether it is about determining the division of assets and debts, financial issues are most often front and center. Far too often, one or both of the parties resists financial disclosure just like I resist dieting or trips to the dentist. Go …
Know Your Judge…
Yep – that’s right sports fans, if you decide to do it the hard way and litigate rather than mitigate, you had better know your judge. Now, by that I don’t mean that he or she is your back yard barbeque buddy. In fact, if you are buds with the judge, he or she will likely decline to sit on your case and …
The Sobering Reality of an Imposed Solution
Yeah, yeah……..I know. I’ve been writing a lot lately about compromise. Put water in your wine, give and take, reduce your expectations….all of that Dalai Lama stuff. And don’t get me wrong – In a perfect world, where both sides come to the table with the concept of a fair compromise in mind, it is Nirvana. Unfortunately, like many great concepts in life, …
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